$15 Million For The First Views Of The Twins Of Angelina Jolie

On Monday, the twins of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt appear freshly taken on the cover now don’t it takes more long and the whole world can see the twins of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. On Monday the Internet service of Getty Images to print expensive babies as well as their parents and their siblings that. The people magazine and Hello! may reproduce the images. You should have awarded probably after an offer of almost $11 million. These are probably the most expensive baby photos of the history with 11 million dollars. No other baby photos were as expensive as this. But Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt no put the money Yes not in their own pocket, they donate it to charity. And one can believe that even at this pair. Too bad the money for charitable purposes can be obtained almost exclusively from expensive baby photos.