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Monthly Archives: May 2014


Sierra Nevada Age

We transferred to you today until Guadix, in Granada, to look around peculiar houses cave today turned into lodging: the hotel Caves Pedro Antonio de Alarcn, call as well as tribute to the important dramatist work author of as much reputation as the hat of three tips, original of this locality. Caves Pedro Antonio de Alarcn count on 23 caves, old houses of the families of the workers of the railroad who, after their progressive abandonment,read more…



Hunting is one of the oldest activities of mankind; Indeed what is now known as a sport and an art, in its early days was closely related to survival, not only understood as power for emerging collective human whose life revolved around the migration of animals and the seasons of the year, but it is also considered as one of the first glimpses of partnership and teamwork of the men and women of yesteryear. This theoryread more…


My First Appointment

My first appointment when you have your first date with the man that you both like, many things must be taken into account: how to act, how to dress, what to say and what not to say. The first exit is one of the most difficult, since not only you’re with the man you like, but you must do things right so that I can give the second appointment. Then we will give you valuable keysread more…