Riverbed Country

Internet, certainly, is not accessible to all citizens of the planet, nor is it the phone, invented 115 years ago in Havana by the Italian Antonio Meucci. The so-called digital divide – expression in the field of information technologies and communication of the chasm between rich and poor countries in terms of development – determines to do so. in both misinformation still has a vast Riverbed media such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines and movies, and the Internet itself, in which the anti-Cuban campaign pays spaces without spare money. Even so, millions of people who resist the manipulation of their ideas and want to form about Cuba – as about any other topic–their own opinions, visit our sites and establish contact via e-mail. A new bridge of communication builds on that basis, and the sympathy and solidarity loom increasingly among the fog after which want to hide from the rest of the world. Also figure as a major achievement the computerization of information from primary health care centres in the polyclinics and the operation of classrooms and laboratories of computation for the project of universal education in the first year of medicine.

In education, among other positive outcomes, 100% of schools in the country use ICT as support for programmes of classes, what benefits 2 230 658 students and 12 784 schools. The young computer clubs are in all municipalities of the country, with more than 4,600 computers today. In 2004 alone, they opened 100 of these installations, for a total of 400. In the same year courses in them 395 143 students, were offered what amounts to 20 percent of the 700 000 graduates since 1987, when emerged the JCC, which add up to 600 at the end of this year, with 6 800 computers.