Three Easy Steps

Many people comes from family with overweight and genetics credited his fatness. The truth is that this is only one of the factors that influence, but inadequate nutrition, poor rest and lack of activity also have great influence. That is why we give you two routines to burn belly fat and get in shape. This workout to burn belly fat combines aerobic exercise with anaerobic, because the first is the best type to burn fat, while the second helps tighten the skin and muscles, and burn fat in the long term. It is recommended to perform three sets of this routine, 4 to 6 times per week, with an intensity that does not entail too much effort in the beginning. You can then increase the intensity. Start the routine to burn belly fat mark step without moving from the place two minutes at medium speed, moving the arms one forward and the other backward, simultaneously.

Then lie down on the floor and get contractions of abdominal flexing a knee and leaving the following extended without sinking the navel. In the next stage of the workout to burn belly fat, gives two steps forward and two backward, alternating with steps on both sides, 2 minutes, moving the arms in the same way. On the ground, with the contracted abdominal muscles and planting feet, flexing the knees. It elevates a knee toward the hip and then alternating with the other leg. The movement as a whole is similar to pedaling in the air.

Keep your arms close to your body, or behind the head. In the last series of the routine to burn fat belly you must swap jogging with walking, always in the same place and for two minutes. Floor stand mouth down spreading legs and lifting the body with arms. Collapses the abdominal muscles, raise your hips and knees until you in position of lizard. Hold the position for a few seconds and then low. There is a guaranteed way to burn body fat quickly. If you find yourself in a State of despair at losing weight, the following message is the most important thing that you read. Now Click here. Original author and source of the article.