Pablo Freire

Such concept assists in them to understand that what a pupil not yet knows he will be able to learn, thinks that this guides ours practical not to make daily pay? judgments and not to construct esteretipos of that some pupils do not know, are failed and they will not learn. In contrast, it is function of the professor to provoke advances in the pupils who would not occur spontaneously, advancing its potential development. Vygotsky constructed to its theory having for base the development of the individual as resulted of a process partner-description, thus it emphasizes that the acquisition of the knowledge occurs by means of the interaction of the citizen with other citizens of its culture. Also an important paper is attributed to the language that fulfills the function of social interchange, through it the superior mental functions socially is formed culturally transmitted. Being based on these conceptions, it is important to allow that the pupils have a space of participation and exchange of ideas in the classroom, is respectable that the children interact between itself since the social interchange fulfills an essential factor in the development of the citizen. The acquisition of the knowledge still can be favored when the professor establishes bonds between the pertaining to school program and the reality of the pupil, using to advantage the espontaneidade of its speaks, its interests and its curiosidades to work the considered contents. Beyond the mentioned author, the pedagogical conception of Pablo Freire guides our actions sufficiently while educators. For this great theoretician of the education he is difficult to distanciar the process to teach of the process to learn, therefore it considers that ' ' to teach is not to transfer knowledge, but to create the possibilities for its production or its construction … who form if form and remodels when forming and who is formed is formed and formed to the formed being …