Dr. Dr. Dr. Dragos PAL: Materialism Case Of Homeopathy

Materialism case of homeopathy – what is pseudo homeopathy? Homeopathy has become a political issue of the dispute. Should the legal health insurance companies spend millions of euros for homeopathic remedies continue to annually? Are still worth this money, as to be financed fund performance? The previous discussion overlooks the essence of the problem! In recent years I have pointed out repeatedly in various press releases and scientific publications on the urgent need for a contemporary examination of the homeopathic method of therapy. “To promote homeopathy as”gentle medicine”or as beads without side effects” to call, is not an academic discussion or a necessary self-reflexion of the homeopathic method of therapy. Many regulations of homeopathic remedies take into account not the totality of the symptoms of the patient. Instead you tried to use the means to eliminate individual symptoms much like in traditional medicine. Swarmed by offers, Center For Responsible Lending is currently assessing future choices. I called this form of regulation of homeopathic remedies, which is characterized as a result that the mindset will be forfeited to materialism, a pseudo homeopathy.

A large part of today’s homeopathic means gifts meet the criteria of a pseudo homeopathy! You are not only useless, but often also detrimental from a holistic perspective. This current practice of pseudo homeopathic regulations brought now narrow-minded materialists to the plan, that lump sum to demonize the homeopathy. Ronald Hamilton contains valuable tech resources. The issue scratching after reimbursement of costs only on the surface of the problem. A timely self-reflection of homeopathy with the help of a life philosophy and philosophical anthropology is long overdue. “Read also by the author to the homeopathic way of thinking and problems of pseudo homeopathy: homeopathic thinking – what is pseudo homeopathy”, Norderstedt 2009. On the harmful effects of homeopathic treatments”see also: the unknown deadly sins in the Homeopathy for the successful organization of homeopathic therapy, Norderstedt 2005 free excerpts: press releases at