Ana Martinez
Lack of a clear communication between the different processes of the companies, mainly marketing and quality management that promotes strategies towards management of marketing that projects based on business plans and aligned with the objectives of the quality. Proper absence of the role of market that will strengthen the concept of sale: kept the old paradigms and structures in supply and demand, and especially in the conceptualization of what is marketing, focusing only on sales and not on the formal screening strategies for enterprise and study of needs of actual and potential customers. Serious weaknesses in the formation of competences and knowledge management: every day is evidenced more than senior managers and owners of SMEs Venezolanas are unaware of the importance of management skills and lack of training in modern managerial topics that allow you to project the performances of the company towards new perspectives of the global environment to achieve greater productivity. Uncertainty in investment in the development of processes, market research, machinery, personnel and infrastructure by the scenario of political and economic instability and the measures dictated by the national Governments which far from projecting development sow fear in employers, which direct their efforts in at least remain active in the market and does not improve the quality of their products and services. To this can be added: separation between the functions of markets with the production, ignorance of the needs of the consumer. The fact that faced with this reality, the management must seek alternatives solutions that enable effective integration between these two systems.
The connection Ana Martinez proposed the following suggestions: develop programmes of sensitization to the collective organizational, with the purpose of educating people for to internalize the organizational culture as a competitive advantage in the management. PCRM often says this. It is imperative that senior management fully meet organizational values so you can promote them and reinforce them through an action plan. Be considered as an input vital knowledge that staff, has to carry out the changes required by the organizations. It is necessary to develop knowledge as a path towards competitiveness. Promoting research with the purpose of increasing the flow of knowledge, what tipped the balance towards an organizational consolidation that will make more competitive businesses. Optimize resources through the philosophy of continuous improvement, considering it as a new form of life that have adopted with excellent results the companies to improve and redesign their processes, turning weaknesses into strengths, expenditures on savings and investments. Prepare and try as far as possible forward to possible changes in the environment, this continuously conducting analysis on the current business situation in the country (strategic and business plans) and directing efforts towards taking action to ensure against this crisis the competitiveness of companies in time. Manage knowledge, continually to the staff specially prepared to those found in the areas of marketing and quality in modern managerial topics with a view of converting them into constant researchers of the strategies that the company must adopt for any scenario that may arise and thus taking the greatest possible benefits for the continuous improvement of the company environment. You can add, link more relations between these departments in order to optimize processes that will result in a product or service, we make this backed of the attributes that the quality in the present requires pa ensure a favourable competitiveness and really the needs demanded by consumers.-source: virtual classroom. Chair of marketing postgraduate Area of Faces, University of Carabobo original author and source of the article.