Angel Ibanez Vazquez

On the other hand the small voter is in located in a climate of tension in which vultures come from all places lurk your vote to a cadever in decomposition. I terms of obviously compelling political parties deployed all its arsenal Belize-elections with all kinds of means and tricks advertising to scratch votes of tenacious and sometimes even aggressively. It is something that truly gives me a bit of suspicion but that I can’t stand. More, what verdaderamnete stirring me the bowels is the eagerness of parents, uncles, grandparents, friends of campaigning polita in their daily lives, expressing how wonderful that is your party and what nefarious and sinvergunezas who are the others, imposing his party above the rest without the more minimal idea of what they are talking about, at times, ignoring their own program, simply dibulgando ideas by borreguismo, or maybe for the undoubted pleasure of belonging to a group and be accepted by the. This is not to say that you can not comment on policy, not to defend a particular party or may not belong to any of them. What I would like to understand is the lack of objetidad that suffers this society and that seems to be an unstoppable epidemic.

A political party can be more or less akin to your ideals, and on that basis to choose.The real problem begins when excited, trying to find an esperanzaradora answer to the question: do because ACE? voted in the party? Sea: nose or, because if, or, because it is the best, or, because ZP not I like, or, because Rajoy has beard. Them sorprenderia to you the amount of absurd answers that I have come to receive without being able to digest them. At that time you can realize of what completammente vanal who is going to vote, not by the fact itself, but because the desconociminto where will mate our vote or to serve, is such that, as said before not merce worth stain the hands of blood. Also take this opportunity to tell you that I don’t like radical bipartisanship pp-PSOE. The more curious is that it seems that displeases people too much but, however, is escusan saying is that is not going to serve for nothing gentlemen! If we do not ever vote to those minority parties we will never quit electoral bipartisanship to which we are subjected. How easy it is complaining and difficult to do something, right?. Don’t want to be too pessimistic nor despretigiar to those brave people who died to defend that we have today: a demcracia. What with more worthwhile glory opens step, resembles more to a demagoguery.In such case, each is able to change something about what you have around your life.

Always with respect and the word, trying to make this country aware of can win and can lose it. Is that sometimes it is difficult to do so because, there is more to see the terrible and shameful debate between Mariano and ZP, similar to a discussion of two children in a playground to see who is more ready, pathetic scene. Likewise tell them that as could not be otherwise exercises my first right to vote getting the envelope empty, i.e. vote blank. This is just the humble opinion of someone who looks with eye critic hoping to find an answer. It is my first disastrous experience at the polls. A greeting. Angel Ibanez Vazquez.