Kordilina Banks. New Zealand homeland. Trunk 1.5 – 3 m tall, thin, straight, sometimes branching viloobrazno. Leaves numerous, linear-lanceolate, up to 1.5 m long and 5-8 cm wide in the middle, above greenish, grayish-green below, with pronounced veins, located at long (15-30 cm) petioles. The flowers are white. Kordilina Haag.
Small shrub to 80 cm tall with a thin (about 1 cm) shoots. It occurs in tropical regions of Australia. Leaves oblong-falcate, curved, 10-20 cm long and wide 5-7 cm in the middle, leathery, dark green, with prominent veins, located on glubokozhelobchatyh petioles 7-10 cm long. The flowers are lilac. Kordilina red.
A shrub with mostly unbranched stems. Leaves lanceolate, up to 50 cm long and about 4 inches wide in the middle, leathery dark green with pronounced veins, long (10-15 cm) fluted stalks. Kordilina straight. Tonkostebelny bush. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, up to 60 cm long and up to 3 cm wide in the middle, leathery, green, with serrated edges. The flowers are lilac. There are garden forms with red and bronze-purple stripes on the leaves. Propagation kordilinu seeds, cuttings, and by dividing the rhizomes. Seeds are sown in early spring in a mixture of equal parts of light sod of earth and sand. The first shoots begin to appear after 3 – 4 weeks, and the last – after 2-3 months. It must be borne in mind that the seed way to propagate only the original forms, the different varietal forms of copy you need only vegetatively. For use of propagation semilignified shoots, which are divided into pieces with one to four nodes. For breeding suitable as a terminal, or obtained from the middle part of the stem cuttings. They are planted in the sand or zemlesmes of equal parts of peat, leaf (or humus), soil and sand. Cuttings are rooted in a fairly high temperature, it should be 25-30 C. Care of cuttings is moistening of the substrate and the spraying of the protruding part of the plant. Usually within a month on the cuttings formed roots and the plant is ready for landing on permanent.
Ready plants are planted in zemlesmes of the composition or leaf humus soil (1 part), peat (part 1) sod (1 part), sand (1 part). Later rolled over the plants in pots with soil, consisting from one part of the turf (or compost) of land, 1 part humus and one part sand. All species can also propagate kordilin with offspring by dividing the rhizomes, which has previously removed the roots. Usually, this procedure do in the spring. Sites rhizomes are placed in the same substrate as the cuttings. After the formation of their roots are planted in zemlesmes conventional composition. Kordiliny can be grown in warm, well and in a cool room. These plants need good light, but they must be protected from direct sunlight. Plant should be watered sparingly. For kordilin harmful as inadequate and excessive watering. Plants should be sprayed frequently and wash the leaves. In winter, watering reduced. In summer, plants can endure the open air (on the balcony in the front garden). Young plants need an annual transplant adult plants enough to transplant once two to three years. During the period of rapid growth, from spring to autumn, the plant needs feeding. It is conducted 2 times a month, using organic or mineral fertilizers. Gives good results in the addition of a small zemlesmes the number of horn shavings (the rate of 2 kg per 1 me), and bone meal to the general procedure.