British Material

Great weight of the canvas, is related to its density, eliminates twisting material at the edges, which is much easier to work with. Oil on canvas, like the “classical” art canvas can also be stretched on a frame without deformation and cracking of the vinyl coating in places angular fixing. The strength of the canvas and its dimensional stability ensures a quality uniform tension without sagging, and image distortion. What to choose out of all this wealth? To make the right choice material that you will use for large format printing, you must consider many criteria. It is very important to select the following items: – the specific design problem – the requirements for image quality; – Timing of a promotion – a place of exposure – time of year and temperature operating conditions – climatic conditions, which will host the advertising campaign – the possibility of material transfer to another ad surface, etc.

If advertising is planned to short, and poster are no plans to move from place to place, as an information carrier would be best to choose the paper. From an economic point of view, this solution is also to be profitable – the cost of paper, on average hovering around 0.4 dollars per m , while the average price of pvc materials is $ 2 per sq. m. In the case if the customer plans to use the same poster more than once, transferring it to different agencies or advertising expected long-term, the perfect solution would be to choose just the pvc material. Because vinyl can be on an advertising structure as much as needed advertiser.

And while the image quality will not affect nor rain, nor wind, nor the ambient temperature. You can carry advertisements from one design to another, and she will not lose their properties. However, all these comparisons can be done only if you are using paper and pvc material is indeed of high quality, relevant to the accepted standards and the claimed properties. Warning: this applies, of course, the Chinese materials have been widely used because of its cheapness. Their quality is often not up to the requirements of our capricious climate. At differences of daytime and nighttime temperatures, for example, in the autumn and spring, it is quite possible expect that the Chinese material zakameneet and cracked, vinyl , not to mention the fact that the difficulties with its tension and carried from place to place. Such “savings” could easily and ruin, as if still thinking about the timing, means and forces spent on development of an advertising campaign You can think about is that, according to well-known marketers of poor quality ads will bring much more damage to your company’s image than, if you did not give it at all. In general, we are not rich enough to buy cheap things, like how the British would say. Thus, the range of support materials for large format printing is quite diverse, but progress make it even increased. And though now he is able to satisfy the broad needs that exist in the outdoor advertising, the main thing – to make the right choice.