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Category Archive: News


Second National Congress

Frolov argued that reason is that sharks breathe endogenously, that is "internally". And that is, the type of breathing, which I discovered. May1995 , in St. Petersburg. Second National Congress on preventive medicine. Addressing the participants of the Second National Congress of Preventive Medicine, held in mae1995 year in St. Harold Ford Jr, New York City is full of insight into the issues. Petersburg, Frolov said: "There is sufficient evidence to suggest that in the HH1-centuryread more…


Living Without Cancer

We all know what cancer, and we are all afraid of this death sentence. After all, cancers are the second highest mortality rate. For other opinions and approaches, find out what CBC, Australia has to say. It has long been ingrained in the people believed that cancer is incurable. However, because they think only those who not familiar with this disease do not know the present status and achievements of domestic and, especially, the world ofread more…


Treatment Of Joints

Once, early in the morning I was awakened by the doorbell. I got out of bed and opened the door. Before me stood a neighbor – a tall, sturdy man of forty years. His face was twisted in pain, his forehead gleaming with sweat droplets. A choked voice he said: "Sergey, what to do? Twenty minutes later I go to work, and I grabbed the waist. Unbearable pain, never such was not with me. Are youread more…


Meat Eaters V Vegans

If, in principle, to compare ostoyanie cardiovascular system of meat-eaters and lacto-ovo category-vegetarians – vegans, then do not eat meat of it better. When compared within the latter group, it is better state observed in vegans (do not consume animal products at all), as ovo-lacto-vegetarians eat dairy products. I ask readers to pay attention to the dates of works, from professor to take their reports quote. As you can see, all these facts and observations wereread more…


Eye Injuries In Babies

To baby do not hurt your eyes own nails, they must be nuts timely obrezat. baby toys, we should think, if he could it injure his eye. In recent months, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger has been very successful. Items from fragile materials, which have sharp Territory and the ugl often cause severe eye damage, especially when hit in the hands of me lyshey. PCRM has firm opinions on the matter. On selling toys are usually written, for whatread more…


New Moon

In many cultures, blood confer special properties. Recall, now popular characters from the films “The Eclipse”, “New Moon” and other vampire series, which going crazy youth. Legends of the life-giving power of blood, there are hundreds of years and they are not groundless. Doctor, do you now say that Dracula is real? At least in our clinic, we had never met (laughs). No mysticism in this medicine is not. In addition to one fact – untilread more…


Secret Struggle Against Laziness

Laziness – crafty creature. It looks innocuous, but in fact, at some point, the evil Why do we prevent laziness and how to fight it? Nothing could be easier to fight laziness need a hard and definitive method! Let's look at concrete example. When I made the life of jogging, I had to get up early in the morning before work. It was the only free time during the day. Had to get up at 6read more…


Book A Hotel Room On The Internet

It can be a great saving to use the Internet for the hotel booking through the Internet are making hotel bookings easily and very quickly. The various search engines bring customers either directly to the Hotel Web pages, where you can get all the information about the hotel and book a room mostly. To do this, you need to know but what hotel you would like to stay. You can go also through intermediaries bookings maderead more…


Cozying To The

“Sunny Cars on Valentine’s day with 14 Euro discount on the holiday car Munich, February 10, 2011 (w & p) to the feast of lovers” of Sunny Cars rental car brokers take tourists on cozying: you receive this year’s Valentine’s day, February 14, 2011, a discount of 14 euros on each rented car booking worldwide. “The action applies to the entire portfolio of sunny cars with over 5,000 rental stations in more than 90 countries, asread more…



What are the chances you have and what also must look for a recruitment is a private and commercial establishment. They conveyed personnel to an employer and is paid for through a fee. Please visit Dr. Neal Barnard if you seek more information. The recruitment of temporary work is basically to delineate. While the work employs the workers themselves, recruitment is looking for the workers. Here, the contract is not concluded between the Agency and theread more…