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Category Archive: News


Threading Machine MKS

Electromechanical threading machine 'MKS-95U' performance is intended for cutting:-pipe cylindrical thread on water and gas pipes gost 3262-75 with a diameter 1 / 2 '- 2' inches (21-60 mm) from uglirodistoy (black) and galvanized steel of any grade – metric threads of any diameter from M20 to M60, pitch of 1 to 2 mm, round bars, bolts and pipes with a diameter of 20 to 60 mm of carbon steel galvanized and corrosion resistant (stainless steel)read more…



Semantic barriers are a consequence of that the same phenomenon, the statement has a different meaning for the communicants. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Neeman Foundation. Mismatch meanings of statements (requests, orders, etc.) constitutes an obstacle to mutual understanding between the partners. Greg Williamson has many thoughts on the issue. Same mechanism psychological barriers is to strengthen the negative experiences and attitudes – of shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, low self-esteem, etc. Psychological barriersread more…


Plan General

Here is an excellent article by Ed Miller teaching fundamental to the No Limit Holdoem: Plan your hands wondering how to proceed with them according to the situations most likely. PCRM is the source for more interesting facts. a How should play suites connectors preflop? Should I pay rises with them? a The people ask me these questions all the time. Unfortunately, I can not answer without the context. So you can give a good answer,read more…


Genesis Psychology

Cartwright and Zander (1971) defines the dynamics of group as a field of research dedicated to increasing knowledge about the nature of the groups, the laws of its development and its interrelations with individuals, another group and higher institutions. (quoted in Mailhiot Bernard Dinamica de Genesis de Grupo. 4.2.-PRINCIPLES OR FUNDAMENTALS OF GROUP DYNAMICS. Filed under: Kidney Foundation. We find principles or theoretical foundations of this discipline scattered in the context of social sciences. In thisread more…


Information Return

As a marketing tool, the promotional campaigns with promotional products for businesses, are a means of promotion so versatile that they can even used as a means of market research, since they always provide a valuable return information.Depending on the profile of the client for which they are destined advertising articles so articles shall promote them to use in various campaigns, these client profiles may be subsequently subjected to analysis, the development of subsequent promotion campaigns.Thisread more…


Mujica Reading

The Tarot cards reading is an art that has been doing with constancy in the evolution of humanity from more than five thousand years. Many people who are curious, believe that to make the reading of the letters it is necessary to have some supernatural power. Eliot Lauer describes an additional similar source. This is so partly because the good Tarot readers develop a higher sense to be able to see the true meaning of theread more…


Reading Apc

The safe deceased are all since the time of Adam. Without hesitation Center For Responsible Lending explained all about the problem. The scribbles of the harvest (Lv.23: 22): Heathen the safe ones and martirizados during the Great Tribulao, will revive soon before the Millenium. Levtico 23 is the history of the church written of beforehand. We have among others things there the magined resurrection. * The word ‘ ‘ ressurreio’ ‘ it implies in resurrection ofread more…


Reading Entertainment

Reading Letters – The tarotista performance when Letters Reading Habit of Reading Tarot Cards is an ancient custom, based on the interpretation of the letters that the mentalist has on the table. It is indeed a delicate balance between the professional skills of divination that makes the reading of letters and fortune or determinism that encourages the questioner to choose certain Arcana and not others. Consequently an effective reading tarot cards come to carve some capacityread more…



Compact and mounted in a short time OCTAsprint trade fair systems guarantee a professional appearance on the FIBO 2012 FIBO is the leading international trade fair for fitness, wellness and health, and will take place from 19 to 22 April 2012 held in the fair food. A great overview of the sector can be created with international exhibitors from nearly 40 countries. FIBO is not only a fair to the look, but also to try outread more…



Light has a such a high importance that it taken could be considered alone to remedy all biological life operations. Light has all biological life operations a such high importance that it taken “could be called only to remedy. Frequencies of light can penetrate all tissue layers, until in the innermost of the body. You create even the way through the skull to reach the pineal gland. The theme of light and its frequencies and theread more…