Contextual Advertising
In the published study by Imho vi made a few observations. Firstly, to change its advertising strategy will be only 37% of the companies. Secondly, contextual advertising, the growth of which has recently been written many articles interested in only 6% of large advertisers. A study by Imho vi showed that large advertisers expect the market growth of online advertising. Get more background information with materials from CDF. With that in total 62% reklamodeteley suggest that in 2009 they spend on advertising as at least not increase, 54% of them are expected to devote to work on the Internet is still more money than in 2008. In these data, it is not surprising: 37% of advertisers will change the system of budgetary planning of advertising and only 18% will be budget cuts, leaving the old media strategy. Due to these 37% will be the main growth of advertising revenue in the network. It should be understood that questioned the director of marketing and brand managers of companies included in the rating tns top 100 advertisers on the number of advertisements in media outlets, as well as companies that are, according to the Video International, the largest advertisers in several industries.
This imposes certain imprint on the study and its results. Of all the properties online ads, attract advertisers, the most commonly cited target: 28% of respondents consider it a key attractive aspect. However, only 6% interviewed directors and managers believe effective for a contextual advertising. By efficiency, according to a poll Imho vi, it ranks last, behind even the forums and blogs, which are identified as effective 8% advertisers, and even more inferior social networks and search resources (20%), news feeds (24%) and topical sites (35%). The low popularity of context, of course, although doubts may be explained by the fact that questioned the big brands – such is the opinion of the director of public relations department of the company 'Begun' Anna . Recently, however, and major advertisers in the anti-crisis measures to revise their relation to the context: yes, it is not a long-term investment in the brand, but you can quickly get the sale. Given the shortage of money recently, of course, important.
However, advertising on major portals and media advertising for large advertisers is more easily understood and described in more familiar terms than the context. Nevertheless, they have special solutions, it is convenient for the major brands: for example, the media and videokontekst possessing both the advantages of his textual counterpart (target) as well as the influence and image. Of course, it is still the result of 6% of the popularity of contextual advertising, and the last place even after the blogs and forums, which the advertising market is not formed, – this result at first glance is not credible. However, it reflects the reality that lies in the fact that big business is not yet fully and not fully mastered the Internet ads. Modern "compromise" formats on the one hand and the objective economic necessity on the other hand, this process must accelerate.