Electronic Commerce Register
A couple of weeks, the Federation of Electronic Commerce and Direct Marketing (FECEMD) and the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD) had LIST ROBINSON, allowing citizens to register on it to stop receiving commercial communications via routes of their own choosing. But first get in BACKGROUND, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, approving the Regulation implementing Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the protection of personal data, in Article 49 speaks of common files exclusion of sending commercial communications, in which anyone can register to avoid receiving unsolicited commercial communications, also, establishes the obligation to consult for those businesses, organizations, institutions , etc. intending to carry out publicity activities or sales, through e-mail, telephone, SMS, etc. Add to your understanding with Nieman Lab. QUA " ROBINSON IS READY? It is an exclusion file advertising, which can register any person (if under 14 years will do so through a parent or guardian and if he is incapacitated by representative) who does not wish to receive advertising, choosing the route through which not want to receive it, e-mail, postal mail, telephone, etc.. At all times, refers to the field of personalized advertising, one in which the advertiser knows his full name, address, etc.. and uses them to make the information available. CITIZENS FOR How can you register a citizen Robinson List? Anyone can register at any time, provided for free.
The only way Robinson registration list is through the website listarobinson. . is. Registration will not apply immediately, but will be effective within 3 months from the day following registration. .