Energy Cooperative Freudenberg Intends To Vigorously Grow

Temporary promotions to the membership drive energy cooperative Freudenberg wants strong growth – temporary special promotion becomes EC the Member acquisition in Beiersdorf-Freudenberg – more and more companies and individuals a membership in the energy cooperative Freudenberg interesting, because here, the Genosssenschaftsmitglieder are their own diesel producers. The locally produced certified fuel CEHATROL is delivered to the cooperative members to the current production cost. To decouple the company by the fluctuations of the crude oil market and a diesel price, which is well below the half of what must usually be paid at gas stations up min 2015. To quickly forward to nationwide site development and to promote the necessary members of the cooperative, the energy cooperative Freudenberg has now amounting to EUR 3.5 million decided a cooperation with a prestigious Pension Fund and launched a temporary promotion. The offer: For those interested the can up to 2/3 Co-operative shares are financed in advance without interest. This means: A lower financial burden through a stretch of deposits. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

An example of a pre-financing a prospective buyer wants to draw for 9,000 EUR co-operative shares: upfront payment 900 EUR + 3,000 EUR admission a 35 monthly rates 167 EUR + 1 rate a 155 EUR by direct debit Board Frank Knauer is pleased about the coup: “in addition to the extraordinary financial conditions of this offer is also the difficult path to the Bank avoids some thus. I know one or the other is exactly for this reason, to take the otherwise correct step in our cooperative. But from my point of view, there is more now at all no argument against membership. A promising business, a high savings in the cost of fuel or heating oil and a manageable financial commitment. “Where can I find really that yet?” The promotion has ended with the financial limit is reached, no later than in the 28.08.2009. details to the temporary offer can be found on the Internet portal.