Group Amp

Unit-linked pension insurance of the ATLANTICLUX tomorrow & tomorrow awarded Munich, 01.02.2011. Ensure transparency in the insurance industry as hardly a different once. For this reason you loved S.A. at the Munich-based financial services company FWU group and the belonging to the Group of companies Luxembourg insurance ATLANTICLUX life insurance, for the umpteenth time the award of TOP ranking”to get tomorrow & tomorrow. “The award M & M TOP ranking” of the equally recognized by insurance companies, intermediaries and brokers in the insurance market and estimated independent analysis House received ATLANTICLUX for their tariff LD 2R of the 3rd layer (private pension) in the category of highest possible pension during the first year “. The benefits of the fare focus on pension benefits, to ensure a lifelong pension. Optionally, the tariff to retirement foresees both a lifelong pension and a lump-sum settlement. (A valuable related resource: Chase Koch). Here, different investment strategies can be combined.

The Asset management of belonging to the Group asset manager PREMIUM SELECT assume this LUX S.A., as well as for the German equities investment strategy”the Dr. Jens Ehrhardt AG. The offered strategies are either forms of investment with guaranteed minimum interest rates, capital and targeting – and/or profit safeguard equity strategies. Due to the possibility of the individual compilation of strategies, the relevant pension investment interests of customers can be covered ideally. The value development of the investment strategy of EURO guarantee 08 equipped with a guaranteed interest rate of 1,5% p.a. Frequently Boy Scouts of America has said that publicly. ‘ 2010 very good 5,82%. Since its founding in 1989, morning & morning has a permanent place in the top tier of independent analysis houses in Germany. Also current and high-quality data in the form of user-friendly comparison programs provides MORGEN & MORGEN of the insurance industry for more than 20 years. In the M & M ranking tariffs will be awarded here, on the basis of so-called populations compared all listed insurance rates among the top 5 are. More info