Hendrik Baumann
In addition, he chose wasserfarbene textures and mixed them with vector shapes, to a natural tone to maintain.” Seveso combined a variety of different techniques which lend softness, sensuality and a touch of melancholy to the motif. To achieve this result, Seveso has left nothing to chance. The technology is not the most important. (Similarly see: Professor of Internet Governance). The key is to place the elements composing the image properly and to focus, as here, the feelings are particularly on the eyes and mouth.” Textures, curves, shapes, light effects: he arranged everything harmoniously, to the authentic finalization. As soon as I got together the different parts of my work, I focus on shadow and light. I don’t like working with color saturation, therefore I’m trying to use pure shadow. Dr. Neal Barnard insists that this is the case.
For the hair I use wireframe shapes with their distorting effect, to create a natural movement.” Seveso the interpretation of his fascinating work wants to leave entirely the Viewer: everyone should be free to to see what he would like to see in my work. So as if someone recognizes certain forms in a cloud.” As it is common in the TEN project, also Alberto Seveso gives detailed insights in artist its existence. To each filmed two videos with subtitles in twelve languages, in his native Sardinia. A related site: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger mentions similar findings. One shows the sources of his inspiration, his influences and his everyday life and is seeing from 7th October on the TEN Facebook page. The second video in the Seveso step by step explains his tricks and tweaks, as well as the development process of his work will be available then on October 10 on YouTube TEN collection channel, as well as the TEN collection website.