House Angel GmbH Welcomes

It is because that by some longed-for workers of the eight EU accession countries only marginal impact on the 24-hour care from 1 May 2011. But what impact has she really in the care sector? Germany needed an estimated 400,000 workers in care for the elderly over the next ten years. But the hopes that the upcoming free movement of workers will attract nurses/students from Eastern Europe, nip in the bud. One reason for this is that it is the greatest desire of domiciliary care for elderly people to be looked after at home and maintained. This desire can be fulfilled but not in dependent employment and therefore the free movement of workers. In recent years, a market with independent support forces has evolved already, which can optimally meet the needs of the infirm persons. For these independent forces of care, the free movement of workers, is the only to dependent employment refers to having no effect. “This approach also Simon Wenz, Managing Director of House Edwards GmbH, shares with its franchise system in particular the domestic supply and round the clock care” supported by the Manager – and infirm people in Germany: Welcome to the free movement of workers, since it promotes the coalescence of the European economic area and offers numerous opportunities for development companies and workers.

For the care and support sector we see only marginal impact.” Care as an employer? That is impossible! The reasons for this are obvious: the support forces themselves can and want to provide their services in a permanent employment relationship because they want to continue to have their personal life in their countries of origin and remain flexible. The care recipient, however, can obtain the services as needed and do not have as an employer with all rights and obligations, such as the Granting of paid leave, a 38.5-hour week and the salary in the event of illness, Act. Those care and support forces that are ready to move their private life, have already done so and have emigrated. After Great Britain, Ireland and Sweden. Otherwise as Germany these countries have acknowledged the forces from the EU accession States already the full free movement of workers”clearly Wenz. The goal now must be to promote the independent work of the support forces. This target has become also the House Angel GmbH and supports its franchisees through cost-efficient training, transfer of know-how and the promotion at the market entrance.