Insulating Paper

On the origin of the paper is written a lot of research. Scientists have clearly defined the home paper, the inventor of the fashion tide of paper, and even the approximate date of occurrence of this product in human civilization. But history of the invention of cardboard practically not been studied, and there are only fragmentary information about the development of machine mode of production of cardboard in the late eighteenth – early nineteenth century. But at the same time, the question of the origin of 'hard' paper remains open. It is known that the ancient Egyptians made long before the Chinese, their paper-based processing technology of papyrus. Papyrus – a perennial non-woody aquatic plant, which reaches a height of 5 meters. Read more from Boy Scouts of America to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In Ancient Egypt from the roots of papyrus manufacture various household items, used them as fuel. From the stems of papyrus, the Egyptians made the ropes and cordage, shoes for priests, belts, light box (possibly prototype of the modern corrugated container) and other items.

However, the most important use of papyrus was using it as material for writing. The earliest known papyrus scrolls discovered in the tomb of the Hema has an age of more than 5200 years. Arabic Egyptologist Mohammed Zakaria Ghoneim produced archaeological excavations at Saqqara, near Cairo. They were discovered previously unknown pyramid an Egyptian pharaoh of the Third Dynasty (2750-2650 years. BC).

The scientist points out that the graves belong to one of the ancient Libyan tribes. The most notable was the tomb of a noble woman named Konefernefer that means – Double Beautiful Ka. Head and shoulders, her veil burial mask from the plaster-coated cloth and cardboard. Production of 'hard' paper has been known for several millennia, and birthplace of cardboard you can safely assume – Egypt. Now it is a popular board material and use everywhere: for the manufacture of consumer packaging (cardboard boxed) for the manufacture of covers of books and other publications (of the cover cardboard); producer of consumer packaging (cardboard with chrome-ersatz white top layer, for the manufacture of cartridges for production of pulp and paper mills (cardboard gilzovy), for the manufacture of gypsum board (cardboard lining). In Russia and abroad have long known the production of cardboard. Its market demand has created a lot of companies around the world. Now Russian companies are competitive in this market one of them "Proletarian SPB. Company Proletary SPB () specializes in the sale Cardboard and boxboard can offer, cover board, building paper for the production of gypsum board. The company also can offer high-quality cardboard the following brands: gasket board (for manufacture of gaskets for flanges and other connections) and Insulating which is used in transformers for use in vehicles. All the detailed information you can read on the site. Article prepared specifically for "Proletarian SPB.