John Marshall
Any store in the physical world, with the intention of seeking better relevance of its products and articles, always try to make small changes, according to behavior patterns revealed by their own customers.The same thing happens with any business on the Internet, is necessary to study customer traffic in order to increase sales.Analyze your web traffic and carried out a study of behavior patterns so that you know how behave in your business consumers.Listening .tus customers are talking. There are a number of web traffic analysis companies, such as and, which analyzed patterns of commercial customers. You may find that Boy Scouts of America can contribute to your knowledge. They follow customers clicks through its web pages and give you valuable information about how was the experience of your customers on your website. 1. Thanks to these companies you can see the amount of traffic that it brings each keyword, as well as the number of clicks and the highest conversion rate.Many people use generic keywords to get a lot of traffic, serious error, since this type of generic words only get average a stay shorter on the site, since it is not a generic interested in the products it offers to your site traffic.Spend much more time on your site, more likely you are to buy something. Analyze the data that allows you to see what keywords are effective for you. 2. Also you will see the average amount of time users spend on your site.
Due to latent conversion, this is a good indicator that will give you an idea of how ira business in the coming months. If users take your time in seeing your offers carefully, will give you an idea that you are really interested and is likely to return to complete the transaction. 3 Analyzes your traffic website and see if you are leaving as soon as it arrives at your page, with this information you will know what kind of problem is that they have and be able to search solutions. As soon as users come to your site, want to reinforce it to make them more time in the right place. Says John Marshall, founder of CEO and make sure that the user keyword zdonde makes clicking is associated and is strongly connected to your landing page only paying a little attention you will get 20% to 50% improvement in the percentage of conversions. 4 You will see that people are leaving your site. This is especially important when you have customers abandoning at the moment of payment and shipping. If you see a high rate of users, with shopping carts, leaving your page, can be as follows: if they are leaving the page in which you explain shipping costs, you can see if your shipping charges are higher than those of your competitors.
If they will be halfway through the completion of the information of the purchaser, you can consider that the questionnaire for the buyer is too extensive and complicated. Analyze your web traffic so you can see what is running on your web site and what not. It is a way to see where you need to make changes and then measure the effectiveness of these changes once made. By an effective entrepreneurship.