More Bach

Even for “the inside of the” Inside”the Bach from the vicinity of Heilbronn have interesting, discovered that in the genealogy news that previously so knew no one in the world last year. More Bach will not give but today still. Both still work right, real thrill for Bach-science, as Bach says. Interactively, Bach calls his homepage mainly due to the music page, where can be together more and more music videos themselves over the coming 12 months. Also a novelty, so at any rate, Bach and the Bach project. To choose from, there are usually fetched works via YouTube and Google on this side of the Swabian maker 33 from Bach’s. You can be then – in about a year–with 50 image themes combined and so put together, what you would like to not only hear, but also see: Bach music of choice combined with images of cities of Bach and Bach places up to castles, castles, flowers, landscapes and themes, to do seemingly anything with Johann Sebastian Bach have. A first attempt is already online and provides a combination from Bach’s air and wonderful images from the Music City Leipzig dar.

Even more interactive, the longest biography is the “Bach to Bach”-page, in which you add can switch background music by Bach while reading. Not be a novelty to add music to a Web site that is so special, Bach says that the music for this purpose is specially prepared. 33 Pieces of music are added one after the other, show soft long 10 seconds and are interrupted by sections with silence by about 10-20 seconds. Specifically and only for that music is meant to entertain while reading and to provide a holistic experience of Bach. As if this were not enough, this was not enough designers and so there is not only a small portrait with music and text as well as film clips and photos, as it looked at the time and even today, but also a music video with coded photo galleries to exactly the music in the offer of this biography, which you already read in about an hour, every epoch and every residential and community by Bach, which arose in this period.