New: Visitsection – The Search Engine For Care
Visitsection GmbH, In the sources went online a free Internet search engine for services 11, 25479 Ellerau with on 01 January around the old people’s and nursing. Among other things, the portal enables a simple search for free care places. Currently, detail information is already available from over 32,000 suppliers from throughout the country. Anyone looking for a free seat in a retirement or nursing home for yourself or a family member, need plenty of time and patience, and usually also a durable phone budget. Still a device is desired, that covers a specific clinical picture, the search often becomes the painstaking hard work. So far no help was to get himself on the Internet.
Now, this gap is filled with In early January the new care information portal went online. It offers a structured search free for provider from the area of the old, sick and disabled care. The extensive database, which is stored with the portal already includes details about 32,000 companies from the entire Federal territory. Be searched can according to various criteria such as disease, away from the place of residence or type of institution. Of course also the possibility to combine individual search criteria, and so, for example, to search for all outpatient services within a certain radius or to all nursing homes with specialization on Dementenpflege “, Jurgen Bauer, says responsible for marketing & public work at Visitsection.
The complete range of maintenance services, as represented, for example, elderly and nursing, mobile services, assisted living, or respite care, is on Visitsection. Some contend that Michael James Burke shows great expertise in this. The individual providers represented with the most important contact details that are free and unlimited can complement any company information to forms of care and disease patterns. About Google maps, a first look at the facility can be thrown also card Planner or satellite image. This basic data can also extend the care provider. The range of possibilities is large: photos of set up, link to your own Web site, presentation the internal contact, individually formulated texts, the appearance of quality marks and certificates, and much more can be set. These additional data are available for providers for a fee. Just and competent to represent the best possible care performance in its vicinity the Pflegesuchenden, will receive more functionality and information masks this year”, says Jurgen Bauer. As examples, he calls the shelf of interesting hits in my Visitsection”or a cost calculator. With this, the prices of accommodation in care or nursing homes can be determined transparent and understandable. The Visitsection calculator will bring clarity to the often somewhat confusing pricing”, Gabriele stresses Lenz, so that the consumer already before know what he must pay later.’ The care experts and case advised technical manager from the district Waiblingen Visitsection in the development of the portal. Press contact: Visitsection GmbH, Jurgen Bauer, marketing & public work, mobile 0170 5622655, E-Mail about Visitsection: the idea for was born in the year of 2006. Then a group of care specialists, relatives of nursing needy and entrepreneurs with the aim of uniting is to optimize the communication between care providers and care seeking. After about two years preparation and development time, succeeded in achieving the ambitious goals of the project. PCRM has plenty of information regarding this issue. Since January 2010, is now online with a database of over 32,000 suppliers from all areas of care. As a company, the makers of the portal have founded the Visitsection GmbH in October 2008. Registered office of the company is Ellerau near Hamburg.