Operating Boilers
Individuality in the boiler design STROPUVA boiler STROPUVA laid a significant amount of fuel that kindled and burns in the surface layer, but not at the bottom as in traditional boilers. In the most economical conditions for burning wood or coal are due to the fact that the air distributor in the process of burning fuel drops lower and lower, and the heated gases, giving heat the inner walls of combustion chamber, go upstairs in the chimney. So manner, the cauldron is optimal and most economical fuel consumption, allowing to achieve high efficiency. Available in two lines of boilers solid STROPUVA: woodburning and multi-purpose, working on any kind of solid fuel. Interval power boiler (heated area): 7 kW (20-80m2), 10 kW (50-100m2), 20 kW (100-250m2), 40 kW (200-500m2). For large areas the ability to mount multiple boiler cascade. Efficiency of the boiler STROPUVA Solid fuel boilers provide STROPUVA the average duration of burning wood on one tab – 30 hours, and coal – 5 days. So much for the duration of one batch of fuel – is not only saving time and money, but also practical operation.
For example, solid-boiler capacity of 10 kW in one tab of firewood (25 kg) is able to heat the room 100 sq.m 31 hours in length, and on one tab, coal (75 kg) – a stretch of 5 days. The boiler is capable of 40kW to heat room to stretch as much 400kv.m 6 days. To do this it will need filling 240kg of coal, each kilo of which when burned gives somewhere 4.8 kW / h of thermal energy. These characteristics are proved by numerous tests and experiences Operating for over 8 years. The average annual consumption of firewood, coal, and any other solid fuel boilers in STROPUVA significantly lower in quantity and monetary value than the boilers to other fuels: liquefied petroleum gas, diesel fuel, electricity and solid fuel boilers of other manufacturers. Volatility of the boiler STROPUVA Lack of automated control systems of complex solid fuel boiler STROPUVA and control the combustion process due to the very principle of operation of the boiler at extremely thermostatic properties of the metal provide: – wood boiler – a complete energy independence (which is especially important in finding homes in the area of absence or problems with electricity supply) – Boiler universal – about 15-20 W / h for the site of air into the furnace. Boilers for wood STROPUVA when operating in heating systems with natural circulation of water do not require electricity at all. They can be successfully applied (on) wherever other energy sources are unavailable or expensive.
Moreover, this also applies to heating, and to produce hot water. Independence and security is well known that significant disadvantages are the impossibility of solid fuel boilers work entirely off-line and need frequent loading of fuel. Solid fuel boilers are deprived of so STROPUVA deficiencies. At the heart of the boiler control is only special automatic valve – controls rods – powered by thermostatics and does not require electricity. This provides a completely autonomous operation of the boiler without any additional automated, electronic, and other devices. In contrast to the boilers in electricity, gas and diesel, where there is always the risk of electrical circuits, gas explosion or ignition of diesel fuel – solid copper STROPUVA completely safe at all. The simple design and layout of the boiler understandable to anyone with any level of education, which eliminates any difficulty in operation. Reliability of the boiler boiler STROPUVA tverdotoplevny long burning STROPUVA provided factory warranty of 5 years.