Even when a person is just reconfiguring the existing knowledge and is not generating new knowledge, we cannot say that this reconfiguration is generated from the existing knowledge management. What happens is that the person manages the existing information and involves their ability and intellectual capacity, their environment, their values and experience to absorb that information and rebuild knowledge in his mind. Therefore, it is considered more convenient to talk about construction and transformation of knowledge management. Importance of the existence of a strategy of building and socialization of knowledge. If the claim that Aristotle makes that all men by nature desire to assume the knowledge, we can explain the importance of constructing knowledge as a natural search people have to grow, to develop. However, as organizations are composed of people and they reach their objectives as these people work for it and possess or generate the knowledge required to achieve this, organizations also need knowledge to grow. Having a construction strategy and socialization of knowledge is relevant in the organisational sphere for several reasons:-have mechanisms or means necessary to manage information, build and socialize knowledge, so that the means to be made explicit to be transformed or implemented others.
-Share the individual knowledge to transform it into social knowledge. This involves organizational learning, shared visions and means to strengthen the organization. -Making the Organization more flexible, horizontalizar power relationships, so that all its members are motivated to propose, to innovate, to collaborate in the construction of knowledge and therefore of value creation and the revitalization of the organization. -Making the Organization more sensitive to the contributions of its members and the changes proposed from the new needs or organizational learning. -Create an environment both technical and human, suitable for the circulation of information. -Determine what type of knowledge is more important to the Organization and which competences exist internally to its construction or reconfiguration.