Peggy Hupenbecker

With proper planning, it is possible to avoid stress and to create more. Every day, many people experience their personal task coping with crisis. They are facing a mountain of errands and do not know where they should tackle first. This situation is particularly difficult if the task mountain consists of transactions, which are not termingebunden. The sorting would be otherwise easy: the most urgent first and new tasks must rear stand on! Just everyday life does not work unfortunately.

Some task has an appointment, another a high importance, one more is super urgent and registration takes seemingly only a few minutes. Who keeps track and clever can check off the tasks without effort yourself to is a nose ahead of others and saves nerves. The processed mountains as successes remain visible, immensely motivated does and keeps the inner pig dog on a short leash. The Orga-block “My plan” was developed for the structured work tasks of everyday life. Tasks are registered and marked according to required timeframe and priority. Thus, there is a content-aware overview and not arbitrarily set deadlines.

“My plan” also offers a structured range for such errands that otherwise like to only be done after several attempts. My planning is much more than a to-do list and offers flexible structures for the planning of household, leisure and business. The product testers agreed that “My plan” offers a valuable alternative to those people who want to organize not only with PC and mobile. “My plan” is available in handy A6 format in the well stocked stationery trade for 4,95 EUR or about as Orga-block. There is more info and tips for better planning by Peggy Hupenbecker