Plaza Mayor

Pedraza, candlelight evenings since 1993 that created the Villa ground Foundation of Pedraza are being held coinciding with the two first weekends of July the concerts of the candles. In a unique scenario is conbined medieval architecture, classical music and the magic of candlelight. Concerts of classical music, usually of proven quality and with good acoustics are held. But the medieval environment and this village with thousands of candles lighting is which makes that hundreds of visitors come each year to Pedraza by those dates. The town is walled, with a single entry. All of it was a medieval set which include the Castle, the Plaza Mayor or the Church of San Juan. A people worthy of seeing at any date, but impressive in the nights of candlelight. It is also famous for its steakhouses, where piglet and especially lamb or lamb chops roasted in wood-fired oven, are the most demanded dishes. Its situation in the segovian countryside do you also ideal for overnight and visit locations equally incredible as the same Segovia, Sepulveda, Turegano, or La Granja de San ildefonso. If you want to visit the village of Pedraza leverage candlelight nights weekends in July. Source: Press release sent by elpajardepedraza.