Real Fund

Firms, after all, are different. Place small office, where quiet works strictly limited number of people, of course, will not bring inconvenience. But if the organization’s activities – the tenant involves taking a large number of visitors, the bustle and noise of disgruntled neighbors must be notified to be, and then many unpleasant discussions with the tax authorities and other organizations you provided. The city authorities strictly monitor such violations, since the use of apartments as office space implies its translation into non-residential fund, and this will be followed a significant increase in tariff rates for utilities, which are much higher than for the population. So in this situation will have to talk with residents about the subject of conspiracy, of course, backed his request financial compensation. But is no guarantee you no one will: among the tenants may be potential blackmailers who will treat you as a steady source of income, or simply dishonest people who have money and take, and you have deposited. Far greater opportunities, as well as potentially more significant benefit translates into an apartment uninhabitable fund on legal grounds. Nieman Foundation has plenty of information regarding this issue. But it has a drawback – the process is very time-consuming and laborious, as current legislation has no clear control levers such transactions.

The existing Housing Code states that the premises are suitable for human habitation, shall be transferred to the category of non-residential Fund. Permission granted for such actions to address urban and regional executive boards only in exceptional cases. What, specifically, the cases belong exclusively to the law is silent. And in situation where the house is under the building society, this is generally not valid. Nothing strange in that there is no law, given that it was in 1984 when about any rights of ownership of the property and speech was not. But the modern reality, of course, make their adjustments. Translate your own apartment in uninhabited fund is now possible for the following reasons. The first is to recognize the premises unfit for habitation by any reasons.

Second, determine the functional change of use of housing as a goal of improving consumer and housing and communal services. In both cases, according to the following items: the room should be located in the basement, cellar, basement of the building sector, or on the ground – the second floor and it is desirable to have a separate entrance room is not used for human habitation and is not an integral part of another room room is planned for industrial production now, unfortunately, have to state the fact that disability legislation process transfer of apartments in uninhabited fund, creating ideal conditions for corruption at all levels of the bureaucratic ladder, from bosses to ZhEKov representatives of city administration.