Selling Germany

The educational agency established in Germany Dresden, 31.01.2011 – a family education capital will be increasingly valuable as the bank account, because you can not lose it overnight! The present-day German education system but is a maze, which is in no way meet the current requirements. Confusing offers and lack of transparency are the order of the day. Finally, this condition ensures that the private education market in Germany is discovered slowly as a market for sustainability and growth. The private education market but also a billionaire market, which offers one of the biggest opportunities of in recent years for engaging in self-employment is at the same time. Extensive research has shown that recognized the need for a good education of the majority of the population in Germany. The demands increase rapidly after investment in their own education. The biggest problem for all seekers, however, is that they no personal contact (= education brokers) locally they have with the can confidently talk about their educational goals.

The regionally-based education broker closes this gap in the advice and acts as the education consultant on-site education desired by all. The learning objectives and the existing means by which individuals may form the basis for personal consultation. Accordingly, the education agency plans their own or their children’s education for its customers. In February 2011 the book education brokers conquered now appears a new profession Germany! “.” The book was written, because there were many requests by interested parties for the education agency job. They all wanted to know how now this new profession education agents in detail looks and what potential it has for additional or full-time self-employment. It is an open secret that the financial crisis in some consultants jobs has triggered big loss of confidence on the part of the customer. Partly caused by the consultants themselves, but often also caused by a not inconsiderable Selling pressure on the part of the product provider. A large part of the consultant but still wants to remain active in the sale, fun but work them with customers or better said – made them fun.

The “education broker” now offers you the chance to start anew. But also everyone else who can imagine a self-employed activities in the education sector, this book as a pioneer is recommended. The book is many ideas and suggestions the readers on the way, to decide maybe for the job as training brokers. One thing is however already certain: the education agency will create thousands of new jobs in Germany. operates and markets the education portal a portal for learning opportunities at home and abroad. The info portal gives you expert guidance in a compact form as well as many helpful tips and tricks. Will helped the visitors, make good decisions when planning his own education or training. As a service, some hand-picked education providers are with different services recommended. At the same time, the available current support programmes are listed to all foreign programs.