Slimming Belt Vibroshape
Belt Slimming 'Vibro Shape'-new superefficient massage belt, which uses vibrations to simulate and to bring in a tone different body parts. It also helps relieve stress and generally improve health. More information is housed here: PCRM. Due to the simplicity and practicality of using 'Vibro Shape' ideal for busy people who want to maintain a nice fit in the home. Contributes to the splitting of fats, which are subsequently output via the lymphatic system. Promotes good digestion and integrated body cleansing, improving its ability to absorb nutrients. Soft spread of heat helps to stimulate circulation. Supports in tone and stimulates different muscle groups.
Encourages and stimulates the skin, provides physical therapy and increases the mobility of the body. Massage belt slimming VibroShape (Vibrosheyp) will help you get rid of of excess fat in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, and eliminates cellulite. VibroShape belt has a unique system of vibration, which allows for numerous muscle (up to 50 times per second), which in turn will help You will see significant results within a few days of training. Maximally efficient in conjunction with fitness exercises! Suffice it to dress belt, push a button and enjoy the vibrations that stimulate circulation, promote tissue oxygen saturation and, thus, improve skin tone and elasticity. Advantages: ease of use (home, car or at work), strengthens and massages the muscles, removes cellulite; built-in timer.