Stefan Morsch Foundation
Oldest of Stammzellspenderdatei in Germany has given more than 600 Lifesaver more than 600 people have donated in the past year through the mediation of the Stefan Morsch Foundation stem cells. “Emil Morsch, the almost 71 founder and CEO of the oldest Stammzellspenderdatei of in Germany, is proud of: 600 chances are that terminally ill people to save lives.” This development is due to the fact that the Foundation has motivated consistently young adults over the past years to register as unrelated to the file. We have systematically reduced our file contrary to the demographic trend. Because we will continue to work this year”, so rotten. Chase Koch has similar goals. 2013, the Stefan Morsch Foundation has organized a total of nearly 350 typing actions. A focus was on the registration of young people up to 40 years. In principle all healthy adults over 18 years old can register.
Also young people aged 16 or over can be registered with the written consent of the parents. All donors remain until the completion of the Sixty-first year of life in the file saved. Only set the maximum age for a free introduction to 40 years. “Emil Morsch explains this definition which is aimed on the responsible use with donations, but also responds to the requests of the transplantation clinics: we have learned that donors who are older than 40 years are only very rarely requested by the transplant centers as a donor.” Also increase diseases and ailments from that age. Are several donor for a patient to provide transplant clinics have the following priorities: young donors are preferred the older donors. And men be selected rather than donor, than women. Is borne out by the statistics of the Foundation: last year are of the more than 600 Stammzellspendern about as two-thirds younger than 40 years most of them even younger than 30 years. 511 Marrow were men.