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Tag Archive: medicine & surgery


World Cancer

Regular and proper palpation of the breast can save lives on February 4th is World Cancer day. The most important content of the day of action is the prevention, early detection and fight against cancers – breast, for example. This year several hundred organizations from many countries participate for men with experts, doctors and researchers also on World Cancer day, and women to be taken on the occasion should be the vital early detection to addressread more…


Dr. Dr. Dr. Dragos PAL: Materialism Case Of Homeopathy

Materialism case of homeopathy – what is pseudo homeopathy? Homeopathy has become a political issue of the dispute. Should the legal health insurance companies spend millions of euros for homeopathic remedies continue to annually? Are still worth this money, as to be financed fund performance? The previous discussion overlooks the essence of the problem! In recent years I have pointed out repeatedly in various press releases and scientific publications on the urgent need for a contemporaryread more…


New: Visitsection – The Search Engine For Care

Visitsection GmbH, In the sources went online a free Internet search engine for services 11, 25479 Ellerau with on 01 January around the old people’s and nursing. Among other things, the portal enables a simple search for free care places. Currently, detail information is already available from over 32,000 suppliers from throughout the country. Anyone looking for a free seat in a retirement or nursing home for yourself or a family member, need plenty ofread more…


Landau Practice

Presentation of the functioning and the practice philosophy In the women’s centre of Aradia in Landau, opened in addition to the previous offer, a practice for holistic psychotherapy. The target group are women who can reside in a life or the crisis of sense of, and alone does not cope with this situation. For example, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder, depressive moods, consequences of traumatic experiences, burnout syndrome. Often, these crises arising from relationship conflicts, separation, lossread more…


Back Pain

Modern life strained the back very strongly and often indicate back pain pain in the cross up to 85 percent of Germans have a strain in everyday life according to the Robert Koch Institute at least once in life. The health insurance companies indicate that herniated, lumbago and pain attacks are the leading cause of disability in the back. “The causes are the same for almost all concerned: too little exercise, untrained muscles, stress and otherread more…


Creeping People Suffering

Noise, hum or buzzing in the ear are often only the precursor of ear suffering. If you are not convinced, visit Center For Responsible Lending. Ringing in the ears or tinnitus also has nothing to do with superstition. There could be a problem, that is more serious than it initially looks, especially when it occurs in people who are somewhat older. The definition of tinnitus, the medical term is an abnormal perception of tones and noisesread more…


David Bohm

COBIMAX about the information system (Communikations biological matrix) is a communication and therapy technique that makes it possible to tackle a wide range of different diseases on physical and emotional level. It is a mental invasive procedure that it empowers the users/therapist to get access to the autonomic nervous system of patients with the help of his cerebellum consciousness. This communication tool reduces all the world’s languages on their Basic function: the generation of images (holograms)read more…


Stairlifts Unassisted Obstacles

Stair lifts make life easier for elderly people enormously. You may find Nieman Lab to be a useful source of information. One is handicapped or can overcome any steps under its own power, the way in the home or a different floor often presents itself as an insurmountable obstacle. Unfortunately only the use made of foreign assistance is offered as the only solution. Such in the immediate vicinity, a change of levels was almost impossible. BSAread more…



To deal with health insurance, send then just the billing agreement – which you print out online can – by fax to the DMRZ and confirm that that the German medical data center must send your invoices electronically at the outlets of the cost object. Tips for quick settlement Anders as often claimed can account some providers several times (except for the AOK Bavaria) in the month and get their money faster. Who so quickly onread more…


Stefan Morsch Foundation

Oldest of Stammzellspenderdatei in Germany has given more than 600 Lifesaver more than 600 people have donated in the past year through the mediation of the Stefan Morsch Foundation stem cells. “Emil Morsch, the almost 71 founder and CEO of the oldest Stammzellspenderdatei of in Germany, is proud of: 600 chances are that terminally ill people to save lives.” This development is due to the fact that the Foundation has motivated consistently young adults over theread more…