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Tag Archive: services & consulting


Recruitment Today

The Agency Badenhorst operates employment and recruitment for Berlin and surrounding areas. The Agency Badenhorst is no temporary employment company and does not mediate in accordance with the temporary law. The staff of the Agency Badenhorst strive for an efficient and very human handling with their customers. Managing Director Jackson Badenhorst emphasized in his agency man absolutely at the forefront would be. “It’s useful but neither the applicant nor our customers (the employer), when we wouldread more…


Right Broker Consultant Representative

and how do I know this? -Assistance in the search. The subject of private health insurance (PKV) or also hedge against the occupational disability is already inherently complicated enough. As it applies to worry, what you need for insurance protection, the consequences may have diseases and what you are as yet “just so” can afford itself. Yes, there are certainly more interesting, so you get a heart attack, has an accident or is permanently sick toread more…


Complete Knowledge

Translation Office Professional fast service translations, renowned provider of foreign language services translation agency professional quick service translations, renowned foreign language service provider in all languages and areas of expertise, begins the year 2010 with the announcement that the specialization of its translators and translator in the field of air – and space technology continue to advance. Aviation and space are a very special field within traffic engineering and engineering sciences. We have to do it,read more…


Vitalis House Emergency Center

A button and my CAREPHONE immediately connects me to my home emergency call centre Mrs. M. is 65 years old and lives in their condo in Lunen. Mrs. M. suffers from asthma and needs sometimes fast help. So that she can feel safe and secure at home alone around the clock, has let them settle the home emergency call and service system of Vitalis House emergency and carries a small radio transmitter as a Medallion. Niemanread more…


Government Agency

Interesting also for authorities: application management system to replace the paper application with many authorities electronic applicant management systems have entered yet no: so also at the Government Agency for the has carried out a preliminary study. It aimed to provide a comprehensive and reliable planning basis for the remainder of the forthcoming introduction of an electronic applicant management system. spot.Consulting has an analysis of the existing market for candidate management systems first carried out,read more…