Published edition of the trade journal telematics “TOPLIST of telematics 2014” telematics providers who could pass the annual exam in technology, service and support obtained in the next few days the Signet of a TOPLIST provider 2014. Telematics providers are awarded the Signet “TOPLIST of telematics 2014”, which have successfully passed the exam in technology, service, support, and data security. For users and other interested parties, these results offer an important orientation within the telematics industry since 2010, if they need to make a purchase decision. Currently, about 1,600 companies with its telematics systems to attract of the customers win in the German-speaking market. This massive provider density makes it difficult for users to find the appropriate telematics system for his requirements. The logo of a TOPLIST provider creates transparency and confidence among the buyers, also because this logo must be defended every year new. A TOPLIST provider therefore does not necessarily also a must in 2013 in 2014 be. Prospective buyers see that at a glance who is a certified supplier.
The examination by a competent and independent panel of experts offers transparency and orientation in the German-speaking Telematikmarkt the leading media group telematics (trade journal + online platform + Telematik.TV) since 2010. You bundles that telematics providers that have an independent jury checked in the “TOP LIST of telematics”. “The distinguishing feature of the TOPLIST provider successfully tested telematics providers receive after a positive outcome of this audit a Signet, which the company as a leading provider of telematics” shows in the German-speaking world. With the date shown in the logo on the one hand, the prospective buyer understands the timeliness of audit, on the other hand he has a reinsurance in the recommended link to the TOPLIST of telematics, that this provider is actually listed in the TOPLIST on telematics The party obtained thus a great certainty, whether the Technology offered service and support at a high level.