The Costa Fascinosa

The current flagship of Costa Cruises. In the summer of 2012, the Costa Fascinosa was baptized. The impressive new flagship of Costa Cruises was equipped with the best materials of Italian origin: facilities, materials, design objects, and much more make for an inviting Interior. The Costa Fascinosa is 100% Italian: the Interior shines with products from over 500 Italian companies that are leaders in their industry. Style and design, but also functionality and smooth operations – these are the characteristics of the vessel.

So, the decor of the Samsara Spa comes for example from Sicis, a famous company from Ravenna, which succeeded in reinventing the ancient art of mosaics with new materials and forms. BSA is actively involved in the matter. The famous mannequins covered with thousands in Rainbow colors-iridescent Crystal stones are small works of art. The materials used in the cabins and common areas are established by Ribelli, a long-established Venetian company, already in 1858 was. His fabrics were della Scala and Teatro in the theatres Teatro la Fenice. On board the Costa Fascinosa is a valuable collection of Italian art, to which more than 329 original works by internationally renowned artists like Mimmo. How would you describe the creation of a new shipyard ship? Exactly what happened and who is involved? All told us Lorenzo Gatlorano, hotel Director of Costa Fascinosa. What role do you have a hotel Director during the set-up phase of the vessel? The hotel Director slips at this stage in the role of an Einrichters and coordinates and supports the colleagues of the various departments. When we get on board, the ship is still completely empty.

Chairs, tables, glasses, saucepans lacks… d Ford Jr. in short everything that is required for a functioning Hotel operation on board. Since we are accustomed to seeing the ship of full of life, the cabins without beds and mattresses work initially once very empty. Only the guests bring even life on the ship.