Web Lodging
The services of Web Lodging can mean the success or the failure of a site in the Internet. After choosing and making the domain register, the next step is to find good host. So that the campaign of promotion of a site is successful the same must be always in functioning (online), only one host of quality can make this. The choice of it hosts hostExistem many trustworthy and paid or gratuitous offers of hosts, even so the gratuitous ones are not ideal for a site business-oriented, are only indicated for sites for proper entertainment. Who wants to have a necessary site of success to contract one host paid and of quality and this nowadays it is perfectly accessible to any mortal, exist plain from R$5,00 in this site of lodging. If a site will be off great part of the time, can lose potential customers and spiders will not be capable to track it. Our reputation online can completely be destroyed. Sobrecarregamento of the server leaves the site ofline.
The overload happens when hundreds or thousands of domnios are placed in an only address IP in an only server. To this of – the name of ' ' Bad Hosting' '. Common problems in hostsUm service of bad lodging hinders that the customers find our site and can total hinder the site to be indexado by the search engines. Some hosts configure the schedule incorrectly or commit errors of DNS that hinder that site is indexado. A heading verifier can be used to guarantee that the schedule is not configured of wrong form and that the Home Page supplies a code 200 correct pages and they do not supply an error 404 inexistent pages.
Some servers of host do not allow changes in some archives or configurations that we need to make or to change during the execution its siteA Lodging of dedicated Sites generally much more expensive when are compared with the shared lodging that the same has many names of domain in address IP and the same serving, while serving dedicated they allow the rank only of our site in the server. If to intend to make great investments with Internet, then the penalty can be valid to buy a reliable dedicated server. As in a shared lodging the security levels they are lesser in relation to the dedicated ones. A dedicated server offers to much more security and total access on the server, however to manage a dedicated a necessary person to have advanced knowledge on servers and security. To get regional focus in the results of the research also can be a good idea. Many engines of search consider excellent the regional focus, if the site is housed in the same local that the search market it could better be located.