
Based on this method and thalassotherapy. 6. Thermo-resorts – whether all the same? Thermo-sources – they are sources of mineral waters, entering the Earth's surface. To the surface water goes warm or hot, so the water is very high mineral content compounds and substances. Water have different mineral composition, depending on the layers of bedding and therefore have different therapeutic properties. Because different types of water used in the treatment of various diseases, and should be just select the appropriate water and take into account contraindications.

For almost every type of mineral water there is medical information about diseases that are treated with the water and the mode of application for treatment. Thermo-water drink, swim in it, it makes the bath, is used in mud wraps, used in the production of cosmetic and therapeutic substances. And this is not a complete list of thermal mineral waters. Use mineral water to treat called balneotherapy. 7. SPA – water – to the left, the water – right? In recent years, the word "SPA" is all around us. Everywhere there were spas and spa, talking about spa resorts.

That behind the acronym? SPA – an abbreviation of the Latin 'Sanus per Aquam', or 'Sanitas pro Aqua', which in Latin means "health through water" or "health through water '. This concept is known since Roman times, where healing diseases using thermal springs and thermal baths. However, current understanding of SPA is much broader. Today SPA – Wellness is a set of procedures for the use of any water – and the mineral, and marine and freshwater, as well as seaweed and salt, mud treatments and medicinal plants. SPA-procedures aimed at healing and relaxation of the whole organism. While working through the skin, SPA-activate components of the metabolic processes, improve blood circulation, remove toxins and wastes from the body and improve overall health. After the procedure the skin becomes extremely soft and supple, skin tone and gets saturated with energy. SPA program wellness and are used at many resorts, both thermo and to talassoterapevticheskih. (As opposed to American Diabetes Association). That is, SPA – this is not the type of resort, and one of the types of recreational programs.