Without Glasses
What is the new Toshiba 3D TV? In 3-D, opinions differ televisions. The currently available models do not experience a real 3-D quite sure. Usually involves a more or less two-dimensional image at the different levels are in a row. Cinema produced in animated films and 3 D effect is some impressive highlights. Normal picture in 3-D is rather unconvincing. Added also the lack of comfort, who is already happy with glasses in front of the TV? That’s why the new TVs from Toshiba is quite interesting.
He praises himself as 3-d TV without glasses? Certainly some consumers have been waiting. The price is still very high, and the question is justified, whether you should opt for such a model. How the 3D television without glasses work? Toshiba has done tremendous effort for the 55ZL2. A layer of miniature lenses through which the picture is split into two frames located before the actual display. Impression comes to the 3-D Able. While the lens layer must be mounted absolutely precisely on the display what initially caused problems according to manufacturer’s instructions and was responsible for the delay of the launch.
In addition, a camera is integrated into the TV frame which carries out a facial recognition of viewers and continuously adjusts the image. The TV can calculate up to nine perspectives at the same time, therefore only nine people can watch a movie at the same time. So this also works, the technique requires a higher resolution. The new Toshiba television has a so-called 4 K display, whose resolution is approximately four times higher than at full HD using 3840 2160 pixels. The 3-D experience is sobering already the normal 3-d television with glasses is a disillusionment for many television viewers. The effect is not truly three-dimensional and some even dizzy. Unfortunately experience without glasses of true three-dimensionality got nothing in the new 3-D. The adjustment of perspectives by using face detection works Unfortunately in practice only delayed and not really satisfactory. The planned generated 3-D image has less depth than conventional models with glasses. The viewer can control the intensity of the 3-D effect via the remote control, at the smallest level, the effect is not noticeable in the biggest, the picture is out of focus. Only the medium setting can be accepted as a compromise. The Toshiba 55ZL2 is above all a very good TV but all the criticism there is to report positive also. Who the 3-D function switches off, it here has to do with a really excellent television. You can read more information here at fernsehervergleich.com electronic imaging produces a sharp and detailed picture, the higher resolution benefits especially Blu-rays. With a price of about 8000 new 3-d among television certainly the absolute top class. However, the critical question whether it is worth the price, should be made.