Word Organization
Conscription Enrique Barros de Macedo1 1 Academic in Business administration. Article presented for approval of disciplines of Science politics under orientation of professor Rogrio Fraga in Porto Alegre, received in October of 2007. Summary: This article has the objective to describe the concepts and the applicability of the necessity of conscription in the organizations. The advantages and disadvantages found for each form of conscription being internal or external it. In what it implies the decisions taken for the administration of people, for a process of successful conscription. the available ways for the organization to catch candidates in more economic and efficient way. Word-key: Conscription.
Intern. External. Process. Organization. Abstract: This article is intended you describe the concepts and the applicability of needing recruitment in organizations. The advantages encountered will be each form of recruitment, being internal or eXternal. Implies decisions taken by administration of people, will be process of recruiting successful.
And the available ways will be the organization captures candidates in it lives economical and efficient way. Key words: Recruitment. Internal. EXternal. Process. Organization. Introduction The rapidity with that the work market walks is such that seems impossible to follow all the changes that it demands in them. The unemployment and the constant economic crises reach to many, a diploma or a superior formation is not more synonymous of stability and guarantee of job. To each day the market more is saturated of man power, however good part of this demand meets estagnada, outdating and disqualifying. With the technological advance and the competition each time more incited the organizations if sees in a difficult task to find the person adjusted for the complementation of its functional picture. It is at this moment that appears the necessity of a conscription process, where will go to attract possible candidates for the organization.