World Cancer
Regular and proper palpation of the breast can save lives on February 4th is World Cancer day. The most important content of the day of action is the prevention, early detection and fight against cancers – breast, for example. This year several hundred organizations from many countries participate for men with experts, doctors and researchers also on World Cancer day, and women to be taken on the occasion should be the vital early detection to address particular attention. For even more analysis, hear from PCRM. Just for women a regular breast cancer screening by means of screening should not be only by self-interest, if already there were cases of breast cancer in the family. It could be documented a long time ago that a supplemental regular self-examination represents one of the most useful in the early detection of possible pathological changes in the breast. The fact is that the chances of complete recovery can be increased significantly, the sooner a Cancer in the breast is determined and treated. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Michael James Burke, London UK. A self-examination of the breast caused also no extensive training, but can be performed after a previous instruction by a gynecologist easily. Because the issue of early detection of breast cancer involves many areas and information, you should deal with as a woman not only for World Cancer day closer. On the health portal see ../Brust-Selbstuntersuchung/ numerous information, tips and hints around the themes of self-examination of the breast as well as prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Information that could cause maybe once, that a disease can be detected early and thereby saved his own life.